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Childhood Gender Dysphoria and I am Jazz FAQ Sheet - Kids are not "transgender". They can have gender dysphoria which is a troubling feeling that the gender of one's mind does not match their biological sex. - 90% of children with gender dysphoria will lose this condition by the time they are adults. It is in most cases a temporary condition. - Children with gender dysphoria deserve compassion and understanding. With proper therapy, counseling, and medical care, there is a high probability (90%) that a child will outgrow this condition and avoid a multitude of health problems including early death. - Studies of identical twins have shown the gender dysphoria is not genetic. No "transgender gene" has ever been found. - Every brain cell of every biologically born boy has an X and a Y chromosome. For girls, they have two X chromosomes. This never changes from conception until death. - Beginning at 8 weeks gestation, testosterone acts on the male pel...
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We are parents helping to keep our schools accountable in Placer County. Through California Public Records requests we have the right and abillity to closely examine our schools and ensure that they are working for who mattters - children and the parents and caretakers who care for them. We believe in parental rights and will fight to keep them intact and expand them. Contact: